Bridgeton, MO

BioLife Missouri

Medical & Biosciences //

Bridgeton, Missouri

JCW Development partnered with BioLife Plasma, a global leader in the collection of high-quality plasma, to breathe new life into a vacant Value City furniture store. The 41,000 sq. ft. building was totally gutted and reconstructed, including structural upgrades required to meet the region’s seismic codes. Hazardous materials were abated, and JCW carved the building into two tenant spaces, fitting out the BioLife space and preparing the other half of the building for a future tenant. One of the projects biggest challenges came in the form of regulatory approvals required to move the project forward, as the planned function of the building was not an approved use within the zoning requirements. JCW Development’s team worked to educate the decision-makers about the life-saving operations that would be housed within the building. Town hall-style meetings were held, and JCW arranged for a tour of another nearby BioLife Plasma facility that JCW had also developed. Knowledge of the BioLife operations and practices were essential to communicate what a beneficial corporate citizen BioLife would be to the community, and the project was ultimately approved.